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Plants from the Happy Gardener

Opening in May for the 2024 season!


We've added a greenhouse at the plant site to better serve our customers and provide protection for the more tender starter plants. Our customers have remarked many times how gorgeous the view is. The greenhouse sits on the southeast side of one of our organic fields and this year it's planted in hard red winter wheat! Also, at this location, customers can see for miles as it is one of the highest points in  Houston County


Customers are welcome to shop anytime, 24/7, and can pay for their items using the 'Honor System'.


Like our farming practices, we grow our starter plants organically, using Cowsmo Compost for our planting medium. We specialize in heirloom and open-pollinated varieties. We know that the key to an enjoyable gardening experience begins with a strong and healthy plant.



Organically raised starter plants for your garden and your kitchen!
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The Happy Gardener

Here is a list of the plants and varieties we will have for sale.
Check back often as we continue to add to it!
Culinary Herbs



Gold Medal

Pruden's Purple

Green Zebra

Mortgage Lifter

Cherokee Purple

Rosso Sicilian

Dr. Wyche's Yellow

German Pink

Moskvich (early variety)



Gilbertie Paste

Amish Paste



Large Red Cherry

Black Cherry

Sungold Select


Red Bell

Chocolate Bell

Travelers Jalapeno

Italian Pepperoncini

Greek Pepperoncini




Red Cabbage

Green Cabbage

Ground Cherries

Black Zucchini

Yellow Squash

Summer Dance Cucumbers

Homemade Pickles

Butternut Squash

Buttercup Squash

Spaghetti Squash

Acorn Squash

Amish Pie Pumpkin



Painted Tongue

Johnny Jump Ups

Historic Pansies

Many varieties of Nasturtiums


County Fair Blend Zinnias


Moldavian Dragonhead

Sirius Blue Sage Salvia

Marietta Marigold

Dark Orange Marigold


Genovese Basil

Emily Basil

Dark Purple Basil



Sweet Marjoram


Lemon Grass




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